Hi, I'm Erik. I love in southern Illinois with my extraordinary family. For those of you who aren't from around here, that's the part of the state that has trees and deer.
I'm a follower of Jesus Christ and I try to let that influence everything I do. Sometimes I'm even successful in that. I like to write and occasionally draw. I especially love to teach and we are all game-players, song-singers, joke-tellers, noise-makers, and stuff-builders. And since we homeschool, we have lots of opportunitues for all that. We also like to go out into the community and do whatever there is to do. Sometimes it's the library, sometimes the church, sometimes it's just up to the town square to see what's up. We hike, we camp, and we play in the rain.
We play video games, board games, card games, sometimes mind games, but never reindeer games. I like to read just about anything except romance novels and I love knowing the perfect book to recomend to a friend. I started this blog to try and capture some of those free thoughts floating around my head and to give me reason to write on a regular basis. It's sort of a practice forum. I hope you enjoy what you read and since I tend to be eclectic in topics, I hope you find something that's meaningful or entertaining to you specifically. If you have questions, comments or just want to say hey, you can leave a comment or send me an e-mail at erik.tindle@yahoo.com.
A 12 Sentence Post (which is better than no post at all).
It is Fall, and I am in my usual decline of posting here at Leap of Dave.
Lately, when I have posted, I've just been putting out OPV (Other People's
3 months ago