intention - n. 1. a course of action that one intends to follow 2. an aim that guides action, an objective
I had good intentions when I started this blog. I thought I could share some thoughts and comments on fatherhood each week to inform and entertain my friends. As it turns out, I’m so busy being dad, (and playing Super Mario) that I don’t have much time to come up with witty and insightful blog posts.

While the wildly talented among us mortals may find success hiding under every leaf, the rest of us are forced to resort to hard work and persistence to reach our goals. Bleh!
Anyway, none of this is exactly your problem. My wish for you is to reap the bounty of my renewed Good Intentions. I shall, henceforth, try to post on a regular (I'm too non-committal to say 'daily') basis, at least until something shiny catches my eye. I'm still working in the theme of Fatherhood, providing anecdotes, points of interest and the occasional platform video game tip to the general public.
Thank you for sticking with me. Persistence is not what Tiggers to best but,...oh look something shiny...